Gloucester City HAF
HAF 2025
new dates coming soon
* there are some activities taking place before this - please check individual activity dates for details
On this website you can look at all the activities and food that will be available during this programme and then sign up and book for both HAF and HAP activities. Please only sign up for activities here if you are a resident of Gloucester City. If you have clicked the wrong district, please visit the Gloucestershire County Districts List and select. your district To find out more about HAF, find useful resources and sign up to the newsletter visit the Gloucestershire HAF website To see more from the Gloucester City HAF team, visit their social media pages. We look forward to seeing you this summer. |
- The HAF programme explained
What is it?
The Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme is funded by the Department of Education, with strict guidelines on eligibility. HAF can only be offered to those in reception to year 11 who receive benefits-related free school meals.
The programme offers a range of activities for children and their families including family play days, football camps, music workshops, arts and craft and more. Many of these activities provide food and in addition there are food hampers that can be collected from various locations across the City.
We understand that all children and young people can benefit from a programme like HAF, which is why Gloucestershire County Council have been working hard to secure extra funding to extend the offer to all families. This means we are now able to to offer this programme to other children – HAP
- HAF is for those receiving benefits related free school meals.
- HAP is for those that don't but who would still benefit from taking part in activities
- The HAF programme explained
- What is it?
The Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme is funded by the Department of Education, with strict guidelines on eligibility. HAF can only be offered to those in reception to year 11 who receive benefits-related free school meals.
The programme offers a range of activities for children and their families including family play days, football camps, music workshops, arts and craft and more and many of these activities provide food.
We understand that all children and young people can benefit from a programme like HAF, which is why Gloucestershire County Council have been working hard to secure extra funding to extend the offer to all families. This means we are now able to to offer this programme to other children – HAP
- When is it?
The 2025 HAF programme dates are coming soon
- How can I get it?
- What is available?
There will be a variety of face-to-face activities, fitness & sports clubs, music opportunities and much more.
Note: where HAF or HAP options appear, please click the button which is relevant for you
- HAF is for those receiving benefits related free school meals.
- HAP is for those that don't, but who would still benefit from taking part in activities
- What can I you book?
- Children & Young People's Activities
- Family Activities
- Ticketed Attractions
- Countywide Activities